
In this section I will describe my plans for the future.

I have found that I enjoy work with variety. I enjoy deep diving into a subject, but I deliver the best work when I am excited by a new context. I also greatly value tangibility; I like implementing digital designs, but my expertise lies in physicalizing those digital applications in tangible interfaces.


Taking these insights into account I envision my career consisting of developing my existing work as an independent contractor by, for example, continuing to work with artists to enhance their performances with technology. I enjoy working in the cultural sector because of its focus on experience, which matches my own PI&V well, so that is where I will focus my acquisition efforts first.

In parallel I will search for a part-time job as an Experience Designer, UX designer or prototype developer at a company specializing in physical products. I want to work in a team in an existing company to learn from the designers there and develop and broaden my design skillset. Examples of companies I see myself working at are Bureau Moeilijke Dingen or Studio Tast since these companies work on tangible projects in varying contexts.


I envision this combination of working at a company and independent work will provide me with the variety I enjoy and help me develop myself as a multi-faceted, professional designer.